Friday, June 14, 2013

15 Months

Well my sweet baby is 15 months old. Time is flying by and I can't believe my sweet newborn has turned into a sweet toddler already. So here's just a little update!

She sleeps from 7pm-7am
Is down to 1 nap a day usually
Eats everything I eat finally
Understands basically everything I say and will do things I ask her to (if she is in the mood!)
LOVES books. Especially The Going To Bed Book
Says Mama, Dada, hi, bye, baby, yay, dog, kitty, bubble, "Gil" (her bubble guppy), no, and she said "thank you" the other day
She walks well and tries to run
Loves throwing a ball around
Still loves being in the water
Can do puzzles and fit shapes in her shape sorters
Knows eye, nose, belly button
Waves hi and bye and claps
Says "bye" when you leave the room and "hi" when you enter
Points out every baby she sees and if you say "can you give the baby a kiss" she will kiss a mirror

I'm sure there's tons I'm missing. At her 15 month they said she's right on track and a bit ahead with her language skills, so that's good. She's also the SWEETEST baby in the world. Last night she was crying because she dropped her binky. So when I went to get it, I picked her up and held her. She laid her head on my shoulder and snuggled in and I just held her and rocked her and kissed her, and when I looked down at her she was sneaking a little smile. I'm SO glad I get to see her at 11:30 today!

This is her favorite thing ever:

"No, it was not me who threw that box of cereal on the floor".

She loves swings!

She LOVES her water table!

Clapping at lunch.

Look at this FACE my Gosh she's adorable!